Helps in healing wounds quickly

Bay leaf is nature’s blissful gift for healing wounds and skin infections at ease. With its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, the fresh and dried leaves along with the essential oil have been in use in healing wounds, scars, bruises, cuts, insect bites and minor skin allergies. Bay leaves were used in folklore medicine as a remedy for venomous snake bites, poisonous stings and bites.

Open wounds are always viable for catching up with bacteria, virus and fungus, which ends up in septic of wounds and serious infections, leading to sharp pain, convulsions, cramps and  hydrophobia.  The poultice made using Bay leaves were used by various herbalists for disinfecting and healing wounds.

A 2011 study published in the Natural product research journal proved that Bay leaves contain antimicrobial activity that combats the growth of bacteria and general pathogens like Aspergillus fumigatus, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Streptococcus pyogenes. Among these, Staphylococcus aureus is considered to be the most harmful bacteria responsible for wounds becoming septic.

Bay leaf is rich vitamin A & C, which are extremely good for healthy skin. It enhances the healthiness of the skin from within by helping in retaining its natural beauty. Gently massaging your skin with 2 drops of Bay leaf oil with 2 drops of Petitgrain oil, 2 drops of Lavender oil along with 3 ml of jojoba oil can give that charisma for your skin by reducing wrinkles, cleansing the pores deeply, treating acne, stretch marks, scars, eczema and covering up the other skin outbreaks.

2 drops of Bay leaf oil with 2 drops of Rosemary oil and 2 ml of coconut oil can be applied on wounds and other skin infections for promoting quicker healing and arresting the growth of hazardous microbial infections.