Scientific Name
Carmona retusa
Where it is commonly available
Found from India to Southern China, Taiwan, and the Malay Peninsula; distributed throughout the Philippines
Anti-allergic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antimutagenic
Caries-preventive, antispasmodic (Philippine setting
How to use them
For stomach pains
> Boil the chopped and freshly picked forest tea (tsaanggubat) leaves in a pot containing 1 glass of water until the water is reduced to half its volume. Remove the cover of the pot when it boils.
> Measurement of chopped leaves based on age: 1 1/2 tablespoons (7-12 years old); 3 tablespoons (13 years old or older); not recommended for children below 7 years old.
> Let it cool and then strain.
> Drink. If stomach pain symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASEAN 2014, BFAD 2005, Dayrit 2014, FNRI 1997, Galvez Tan 2014, Quisimbing 1978, TKDL 2015