
Scientific Name
Quisqualis indica

Where it is commonly available
Found from India to the Malay Peninsula and Southeast Aisa; widely distributed throughout the Philippines

Antipyretic, antihyperlipidemic, anti-inflammatory


How to use them
For intestinal worms
> Get the seed from the parent plant and its withered fruit
> Eat it; chew it well and follow with drinking a half full or 1 glass of water.
> Dosage of seeds to eat based on patient’s age: 4-5 seeds (4-6 years old); 6-7 seeds (7-12 years old); 8-10 seeds (13 years old and above)
> If there is still no worm that came out during a bowel movement, you may use the same dosage after 1 week.
> Possible side effects especially after overeating seeds: nausea, hiccups, stomach ache, or diarrhea. Do not eat more that the recommended amount of seeds.

BFAD 2005; Galvez Tan 2014; Quisumbing 1978; TKDL 2015