Agrosilvipasture System

Agrisilviculture System |  Silvopasture System | Agrosilvipasture System

Growing of trees, agriculture crops and grasses together in same lands at the same time is known as agri-silvi-pastoral system. 

The main advantages of this system are as follows:
1. Produce multiple products such as food/vegetables/fruits, fodder and forage/grasses needed for livestock, fuel wood, timber, and leaf litter needed for organic manure production.
2. Improve and sustain the crop productivity which increases the level of income of the farmers.
3.  Improve the nutritive value of animal feed due to the supply of green fodder.
4. This is also the best practice for soil conservation and soil nutrient recycling, which also helps to reduce chemical fertilizer purchase.
5.  Improve the farm site ecology by reducing surface run off, soil erosion and nutrient loss, gully formation and landslides.
6.  Improve the local micro-climate and enhance the productive capacity of the farm.
7.  Reduce pressure of community forests and other natural forests for fodder, forage/grasses, fuel wood and timber.
8. This practices helps for the beautification of the surrounding areas.