Nourishes the Skin | Augments Mind Power | Treats Pain + Respiratory | Relaxant | Aphrodisiac
Harvested Marketable Products: Sandalwood Oil
Uses: Perfumery as Absolute Oil
Common Name: Sandalwood
Binomial Name: Santalum album
Minimum Amount of investment: Php 1,000,000.00 with 100 Trees
Lock-in Period: 10years
Annual Interest Rate: 18.00%
Income from Harvest: 40% on one time harvest cutting-off the trees.
Sandal wood is undoubtedly one of the strongest smelling plants in the world. It is a dignified natural medicine and the best among the sanctified herbs in the Ayurvedic world. Apart from the spiritual uses, Sandal wood oil is used as a distinguished remedy for numerous illnesses. Among the 3 energy elements of the human body, Sandal wood and its oil treats vata (air) aggravation and is said to pacify and balance the fire energy pitta and the water energy kapha.
With its exceptional and uniform tenacity, exceptionally soft, magnificent, uplifting and sweet-woody aroma, Sandal wood oil has the potential to benefit the reproductive system, nervous system, marrows, plasma, muscular system and circulatory system.