Harvested Marketable Products: Flowers
Uses: Absolute Oil
Common Name: Golden Champa
Binomial Name: Magnolia champaca
Initial Investment: Php 1,000,000.00 with 200 Trees
Lock-in Period: 10years
Annual Interest Rate: 18.00%
Income from Harvest: 40% on annual harvest starting on the 5th year.
Michelia champaca L. (Magnoliaceae) commonly known as Champa wild in the eastern sub-Himalayan tract and lower hills up to 3,000 ft. and found in Assam, Burma, South India. The plant is a handsome, evergreen shrub. Leaves 15- 25 by 5-9 cm., lanceolate, acute, entire, glabrous; petioles 18-25mm long. Flowers about 5-6.2 cm. diameter, very fragrant, greyish yellow pubescent. Sepals and petals 15 or more deep yellow or orange. Grey or brownish bark. Seeds 1-12, brown, polished, variously angled, rounded on the back.
The tree is native to the Indomalayan realm, consisting of South Asia; the flowers are a beautiful deep orange-yellow borne on a medium-sized slender tree related to the magnolias. 4 in many areas where it thrives, the flowers are used for ornamental purposes and for worship in temples. It is a woody tree species, which has high economic value as basic material for medicinal and fragrance products. Flowers in general, and champaca, benefits from CO2 extraction for an important reason; numerous monoterpene hydrocarbons detected in the essential oil are not found in the CO2 extract and appear as artifacts or decomposition products during distillation. The CO2 extract of champaca is free of solvent residue, contains far less waxes, is chemically superior to a distillate, and has a closer fragrance profile to the fresh flowers
Champaca Essential Oil in Pharma. The plant is traditionally used for the treatment of fever, colic, leprosy and for curing cough and rheumatism. Bark is stimulant, diuretic and used in fever as febrifuge. Root bark is purgative and emmenagogue used in amenorrhoea. Swarn champa contain various phytochemicals like alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, carbohydrates. Pharmacological activities like anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer activities are found to have in this precious plant.
Essence of Champaca Essential Oil. The essential oil obtained from the flowers has useful application in perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. Champak is a well-known tree due to its highly fragrant flowers. Champak floral scent is attributed to a complex mix of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These aromatic flowers are widely used in flavors and fragrances industry.