Improves digestion and other metabolic functions

Diabetes | Healing Wounds | Improves Digestion | Alleviate Respiratory | Rheumatic Conditions | Healthy Scalp + Hair | Inhibitor of Cancerous Cells

The aromatic leaves and its essential oil of Bay are famous as a digestive aid, especially in the Asian, Middle East and Mediterranean countries. Ayurveda states that Bay leaf has heating energies that aids in augmenting Agni or the digestive fire, which is responsible for trouble-free metabolic functions.

Bay leaf is called as a pitta aggravating spice and herb, where pitta dosha deals with metabolism. Digestive disorder or problems due to pitta deficiency are balanced with the help of Bay leaves and its various extracts.

With its carminative, anti-flatulent, stomachic and cholagogue properties, Bay leaf oil helps in expelling the excess gas in the stomach and intestines. The stimulating effect of this oil boosts the metabolic functions and helps relieve digestive problems like colic, flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, intestinal spasms and ulcers.

Massaging your stomach with 2 drops of Bay oil blended with 2 drops of Geranium oil and 2 drops of Lemon oil along with 3 ml of Sesame oil can assist in promoting the secretion of gastric acids, digestive juices, enzymes and bile, which aids in neutralizing surplus acids in the lining of the stomach and intestines, thus preventing ulcers.

Along with this massaging, inhaling the encouraging aroma of Bay oil in a diffuser by adding 2 drops of this oil can strengthen your digestive system and support hassle-free metabolism.