Bay Laurel

Diabetes | Healing Wounds | Improves Digestion | Alleviate Respiratory | Rheumatic Conditions | Healthy Scalp + Hair | Inhibitor of Cancerous Cells

Harvested Marketable Products: Fresh Leaves
Uses: Essential Oil
Common Name: Bay Leaf
Binomial Name: Laurus nobilis
Initial Investment: Php 1,000,000.00 with 200 Trees
Lock-in Period: 10years
Annual Interest Rate: 18.00%
Income from Harvest: 40% on annual harvest starting on the 5th year.

The west India bay leaf- Pimenta racemosa-is much more fragrant and aromatic then its Turkish, Indonesia, California or Indian cousins. Its flavor is intense and highly spiced, with complex notes of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg along with hints of vanilla and cardamom. If you rub the leaves, the distinctive scent will remain on your fingers for hours.  A member of the myrtle family, Pimenta racemosa-commonly called the bay rum tree-provides ornamental value to landscapes with its peeling gray bark and dark green oval leaves. The leaves emit a woody, spicy fragrance that becomes stronger when crushed. The bay rum tree has tolerance for salty soils and wind, making it a fitting choice for coastal landscape. Hardy in U.S. Departments of agriculture plant hardness zone 10 through 11, this tropical evergreen grows in full to partial sunlight and fast-draining, nutrient-rich soils

Bay leaf essential oil in Pharma The health benefits of bay essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-neuralgic, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, aperitif, astringent, cholagogue, emenagogue, febrifuge, insecticide, sedative, stomachic, sudorific, and tonic substance

Essence of Bay leaf essential oil Its exotic aroma has relieving effects on mind. It is used as spice in Indian foods to add flavoring and taste while cooking.