Illuminates the mind

Illuminates the Mind | Emotional Quotient | Sexual Verve | Alleviates Pain | Spiritual Enlightenment | Digestive Functions | Skin Health

Mind is a faculty of thought, consciousness, intellect and one’s ability to think, sense and reason. Your thoughts are the first move to your actions. The power of thinking would always be healthy and positive only when you have a clear mind sans negative ideas.

Known as the inner organ of awareness or consciousness in Ayurveda, Mind is often termed as electricity generated from the power station called as soul, which is the only reserve of intelligence and it glows with its own light. When you have clarity of mind, your mind never wanders around, it starts focusing only on the right with the kind of consciousness it has acquired from the soul.

The heartening fragrance of Agarwood oil has the power to fuel the mind with mental clarity and drives in inner consciousness. Inhaling 2 drops of Agarwood oil by adding it to diffuser can assist in driving away negative energies, alleviating anxiety, enhancing alertness, increasing the sense of strength, bringing in tranquility, augmenting cerebral functioning and strengthening the nervous system.

This can also support in enhancing your power of creative thinking. It is mainly because creative thoughts strike the mind when it is absolutely free from worries, anxiousness and negative feelings. This way Agarwood can help everyone in your family to think better, may be in performing your duties better in the office, to cook innovative food varieties, to learn and understand better and what not.